Day 52 - 11/27/23 - At Sea to Fortaleza, Brazil - Day 2

 It continued to be a quiet sea overnight.  The water system was tuned off over night for maintenance, and the water was back on this morning.  However, our stateroom did not have hot water so no showers were taken.

 After our customary interdenominational Bible study, we enjoyed a coffee chat with Jeremy and Benjamin Sack, the resident artist who is teaching drawing classes.  His pencil drawings are brilliant and his classes are very full.  I found him a bit evasive in some of his answers to Jeremy's direct questions like how did you get started on a cruise ship or what was your education & training?

Bosco did an excellent presentation on A Brazilian Link Between Medieval Europe and the New World.  And Richard Watkins followed up with his first talk on the Amazon (The Amazon River & Forest).  It was brilliant.

Climate regions of Brazil

A happy sloth

Brazil Nuts

Three types of forest environment

In his noon announcement the Captain made no mention of whether we would be able to make it to Manaus, but Jeremy in his presentation on our next port of call, Fortaleza was a bit evasive and guarded in his comments about whether we would make it up to Manaus.  

I updated and published my blog and listened for a bit to the drumming practice.   It was a bit loud for my ears so I didn't stay long.


Our evening entertainment was a Brazilian guitarist, Diego Figueiredo.  He was absolutely brilliant in playing his guitar.  The crowd was mesmerized listening to him and you could literally hear a pin drop when he paused in his playing.  It was not only a performance, but it was like a master class in guitar playing.  It was so good that Angela and I stayed for the 9pm show as did a number of other guests.  We learned that he'll be in the Pacific NW in March, 2024 and hope to see him there.

Tomorrrow is Fortaleza, and we have a 1/2 day tour scheduled there.  


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