Day 17 - 10/23/23 - At Sea to Coquimbo, Chile - Day 1

 Today was the first of our three sea days on our way to Coquimbo, Chile.  The temperatures are falling and the general sea conditions are getting a bit more choppy.

This morning after the morning Interdenominatial  devotional time, at breakfast we were having an interesting discussion with a fellow from Victoria, BC Canada and the subject of independent shore excursions came up.  He said, "There's a fellow who is down in the Atrium at 4pm who talks about excursions." I replied, "You're speaking with him!".  It appears my reputation is preceding me.

The rest of our morning was spent in lectures with the first being a shore excursions manager presentation on the next 4 ports of call followed by Tom Goltz's excellent presentation on Thor Hyerdahl's voyage on the Kon-Tiki. In the afternoon after a light lunch,  Caroline presented a talk on Coquimbo: Center of Astro-Tourism.

Throughout the day I published my updated blog posts for the past few days.  With excursions each day it was difficult to write & publish every single day so I elected to use the first sea day to catch up on my postings.  I also was at my desk in the Atrium on the 3rd floor at 4pm for an hour to answer questions about upcoming Cruise Critic shore excursions.  

Elio Rojas, a Cuban born pianist was our evening entertainment and he was quite good in presenting a wide variety of contemporary and classical pieces.  Afterwards we watched a NZ film, Juniper, about a troubled teenager and his unlikely bond with his grandmother.  

The seas have steadily but slowly been producing larger swells and there is now noticeable "motion from the ocean".  Also the temperatures are now dropping to the point that it's now more comfortable to wear long sleeved shirts and long pants.  It was interesting to see penguins in the LIDO pool.  They're rather cute.

Tomorrow is another sea day.  Stay tuned.


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